

(this is the image cover I have & I like it better than the hardcover image)

From Amazon:
Set on Vancouver Island, Celona’s compelling first novel opens with a desperate young mother abandoning her newborn girl on the front steps of the Victoria YMCA. Passed back and forth, cradled in one set of arms then another, the child is first granted the name Shandi, then Samantha, and later, Shannon. One foster mother rewards Shannon with a cube of cheese if she manages to sit still, but the restless three-year-old is more often met by abuse and eventually banished to live with another family. At age five, Shannon is adopted by Miranda, a single mother whose only expectations of her daughter are fairness, kindness, and respect. While Shannon thrives living in this caring household, she struggles to reconcile the pain of her unknown past. Humorously self-deprecating (I’m not hideous, but I’m definitely a cross between Shirley Temple and a pug), teenage Shannon embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery. This is at once a moving coming-of-age story full of fresh starts, a haunting family story full of heavy disappointments, and an extraordinarily quiet story full of hope. --Miriam Tuliao --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

I became interested in this novel when the author, Marjorie Celona, read an excerpt at the Center for Fiction.  I don't know what it is, but I tend to tune out people when they read from books, etc.  I am definitely a visual learner.  When I watch movies, even, I must have subtitles if it is an option.  Something just doesn't click when I listen to words.  When I listen to music, I don't even bother to hear the lyrics.  I am diverging.

So when Celona was reading her excerpt, straight at the beginning, my ears figuratively perked up (i say figuratively b/c I really don't think my ears can move by themselves at all. i'm trying right now. it's not happening.) She decided to read from the prologue & it is so well-written.  Just grabs my attention without feeling too needy for it.  She writes about the letter Y from its sound to its shape to how it works in grammar, and there is one part that at the time, I couldn't get.  She writes, "Upside-down peace sign," and it was like I was riding a smooth ride with all her descriptions of the letter Y and then I hit a pothole with this description because I immediately retorted (in my head of course) that Y is a peace sign, upside-right (I don't know if that's a real phrase, but it is now.) I kept imaging a peace sign as ✌.  I didn't realize it until I was possibly a third or more into the book that she meant ☮. Duh..

Anywho, the book.  Celona really does deserve the praise she's been getting.  I'm sure there's a term for this, but her timeline goes all over the place like going to the present, then jumping not only to the past, but the past of another character.  To someone who has a not so great time following things when she reads, it's amazing that Celona has made her able to not only follow, but remember another character's story from a few chapters before.

Aside from the mechanics, the plot and characters are so interesting and refreshingly different, yet real.  I don't know how to describe it/them without using all the words that most praising critiques use that kind of de-credit a story's uniqueness, but just imagine that you have just read some grand words combined together to say that Celona makes an intriguing plot & characters.

I suppose this isn't really a great review, but when I feel passionate about something, I want to share it to get others to see how great something is.  So I hope you will take what little I have been able to share in review of Y, and read the novel.


If you notice me going through the grocery store..

..as if i'm strolling and browsing through a music or bookstore..

                    ..i am most likely having an intense debate in my head..
                                    .. on whether or not i should buy that/those..
      -extra box of cereal,                   -soda,
                                -special deal of the week..


       ..most likely right into someone..

                                                                           ..and say sorry.

(without making eye contact)


rambles: music.

it used to really surprise me when i met people who didn't have an affinity for music. it's still weird to hear, but i get it more now. it's kind of like people and sports. i don't care for it but ppl can be so diehard about it. i guess i just grew up w/ people who really like music. not that that's super hard to come by.

i don't know how to not have music in my life. it makes me so happy--no that's not even the right word. it just touches a (good) nerve in my soul. WOW i sound like a Train song right now. hahah

i guess what's making me feel like talking about music is that i've recently just realized how much music is part of my life and that perhaps a career in music (not necessarily playing it, b/c i definitely can't play it.) is exactly what will make me happy. maybe it goes with my love of gift-giving, but i love when i get it right when i recommend a band to a friend. it's not a 'yes, i'm awesome b/c i can take credit for telling you about this band' it's more like a i'm glad i can share someone else's awesome music w/ someone else who will really appreciate the music. i dont know, it's hard to explain.

also, (this will be the third post that mentions mumford & sons) but MUMFORD & SONS! i. just. AHHH. how can touch my soul so well!?!? well me and a bajillion other people. their new-ish single sounds almost like a few of their older songs, but then there's a different melody and it just hits me so hard. i. just. a;soidfn;awisnf.

in other news, Egg Records in Newtown is pretty awesome. it's smallish but i just really like the vibe and I got Bachelorette there! i've been interested in getting her music for two years now, since i saw her open for Peter, Bjorn, & John. after the week, i'm going 'sploring for the other music shops. can't wait.

end ramble.


Sidewalls, Medianeras

I recently watched this movie called Sidewalls (Medianeras in its original title). I wasn't sure how i felt about it for a little while (as per usual for most movies I watch) but i think i've come to the conclusion that i like it. a lot. i read someone compare it to 500 days of summer, saying it's a spanish version of it and i immediately was like ew and not even (i can sound so intelligent sometimes). Basically, the movie follows two people (both actors I really adored in this movie, and the puppy!) and their lives right up to the point where they meet and they're supposed to be destined to be together at that point in time. I really liked the little details in this movie like the screen shot above. their heads/hoodies are supposed to make a heart shape : ] [well not in this particular shot (she already moved forward)]

anywho, destiny. i think things are destined to happen but it's definitely a choose-your-own-adventure book style.


Another Blog for your viewing pleasure.

So I'm taking Advanced Photojournalism at school this semester and since that seems to be the only blog I'm keeping up w/ right now and actually has my own photos on it, here is the link to it: http://justina-wong.blogspot.com in case you, reader, are actually interested. : ] I have a photo story to produce each week so I'll be updating pretty much every Tuesday night. Been meeting a lot of people and it definitely reminds me of my internship at the Daily Record b/c I get to meet local people, people that I live around, people that are doing what they enjoy, and plus my random trivia knowledge is growing bit by bit. That, my friend, is always a plus.

I forgot the dash between my first and last name and it brought me to some super fob asian girl's site, glitter and all. it scared me almost as much as a porn ad site popping up right when someone looks at your screen.

I wish I had more to talk about. Perhaps I'll use this blog to talk about the assignments I had per week, like what photos I wanted to take but couldn't, who were not so nice [probably will keep that mum. things come back to bite you in the buttocks, especially on the internet. (what is a celebrity sex tape?)], and just general photo issues.


Kicking Ass Mouse.

This is the mouse Hesher fed to his pet snake that kicked ass and punched the snake in the face so the mouse wouldn't be eaten.

funny how things pop up at certain times.



Whenever I see a cracked CD case, it reminds me of when I used a CD player to listen to music and had to bring CD cases in my backpack for bus rides to and from school. The more cracked CD case indicated the more I listened to the CD.

This also kind of scares me b/c I'm still too young to have memories like this one.