

So as i predicted but hoped it wouldn't come true, I failed epically in doing the weekly photos. i could even do bi-weekly. but at least i have some photos to share that I liked that i've taken since the last post.
Ra Ra Riot concert @ Webster Hall, 04.04.09

the lighting @ this show was so nice. especially since it wasn't red, where i can't get one picture focused when the lighting is red. why is that? anyway this photo has a trippy feel b/c of of the lack of clarity and i don't know how i did it, besides that my shutter speed must have been slow.

i don't LOVE this photo, but i think it's pretty nice as a thumbnail. when you see it closer though, her face isn't very focused, and I wish it were more. but yeah, this photo definitely emphasizes the lovely lighting.

yeah so i really wanted this shot, b/c of his hand going up towards the ceiling and my perspective, being below the stage, would have gave his reach more emphasis, but as being below the and not sticking my arm out high enough, I got someone's head. it's quite difficult to maneuver yourself into a position in the audience of a show when you're not 6ft+, dont want to be the obnoxious person who is constantly having their arm up in some other person's/people's face(s) and want to enjoy the show at the same time. haha

yeah another photo that i would have really liked if not for the person's head in it. the would-be's.

this one is another.

Birds fighting on my deck.

it looks like they're kissing or something, but they were being vicious. I didn't know if it was playing or for real, but after one of the birds seem to really be pinning the other down, I knocked on the sliding door window pane and they just flew off togeher. haha

NJ Key Club District Convention '09:

i kept help but like this one, EXCEPT the stupid sunspot on his face. if he was moved just a little to the left, it would be great.

this one isn't GREAT, but it's somewhat memorable.

& that's it. i've been trying to use my father's film camera. went to a nearby pond/park to take some photos. hopefully my next project that I can post is a 180 panoramic (inspiration courtesy of michtseng).